How to Get a Proto Drake Mount Easy

  • #1

    Delex2002 is offline

    High Overlord

    Easiest protodrake to get as of 3.3.5?

    I'm looking to obtain a protodrake before Cata comes out and I'm wondering which one would be the "easiest" to obtain? Glory of the Hero?

  • #2

    Glory of the Hero or the oracles one, depending on your luck.

  • #3

    Utgarde pinnacle one is also very easy if you're lucky. also if you're no-lifer and got something else to do same time. Time-lost quite easy.

  • #4

    Droes is offline

    Stood in the Fire Droes's Avatar

    With luck, Blue, Green and Time-Lost.
    Easy to get are Violet and Red, but take alot of time.
    Fastest to get, but need a decent group Rusted.

  • #5

    Jorgie is offline

    High Overlord Jorgie's Avatar

    Give four friends and get the red one. Easiest I'd say. Don't need much skill or time.

  • #6

    phantomlink is offline

    Mechagnome phantomlink's Avatar

    unless your character is a fresh 80, the red will be easiest ( Unless you got people who will do Ulduar )

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  • #7

    Cernunnos is offline

    The Lightbringer Cernunnos's Avatar

    -Red Proto Drake from the Glory of the Hero meta achievement.
    -Violet Proto Drake from the Seasonal event meta would be easy to. Just take a long time (1 year)

    -Blue from Heroic UP (Skadi) is pure RNG.
    -Green from the mysterious egg from the Oracles that you can buy once you reach revered is also RNG. (Aged Yolk/White Tickbird Hatchling/Tickbird Hatchling/Cobra Hatchling/Proto Drake whelp/Green Proto Drake)

    -Time Lost isn't exactly hard to obtain, just requires time.

    -Rusted and Ironbound would probably be the hardest, since you need to rely on 9 or 24 other people to not be idiots in a raid people don't raid anymore.

    My name is Cernunnos, I will love you like no other, I have died a thousand deaths, each time I died I thought of you.

  • #8

    funkhouser is offline

    The Patient funkhouser's Avatar

    Buying ulduar10 drake is probably the easiest way

  • #9

    Froosty is offline


    blue is easiest if ur luck ^^^

  • #10

    People say the Time-Lost Proto-Drake is somehow one of the easiest to obtain, but if you've ever camped and waited for it, it's not. Not only does the drake spawn on rare occasions instead of the rare mob Vyragosa, the drake also despawns if it manages to make a full 'loop' around the area it's heading around. And it has more than one spawn point and flight path as well, making it difficult to track down unless you're -

    - Willing to spend hours, days, weeks and even months hunting it.
    - Willing to fly around pretty much all of the Storm Peaks.
    - And unless you're very lucky.

    It may also help if you know when the last Vyragosa kill was, seeing as she is apparently on a 6-10 hour spawn timer and it has been heard of that if Time-Lost is to spawn, he'll spawn a little while after Vyragosa was meant to.

    Apart from the annoying-as-hell-to-find Time-Lost (Who indeed, does make you 'lose time' while you're trying to look for him.) I think the easiest Proto-Drake in terms of achievement would be the Red Proto-Drake, as most of the dungeon achievements are fairly simple to do if you can find a group willing to do them.

    And you'll only get the Blue Proto-Drake and the Green Proto-Drake out of lucky, really. While you could easily run a Utgarde Pinnacle HC everyday for a shot at that, you could also gain some rep with the Oracles until you're revered and then get an egg every week and see if you get a Green Proto-Drake out of that. But both of these mounts have a rare chance at dropping, around 1% each. I can say that in my time spent while my DK was still my main, I had a Green Proto-Drake drop from the egg after only 20 eggs or so, and I had seen the Blue Proto-Drake drop once, but never won it. Now I'm trying again for the Green Proto-Drake on my hunter. Oh, I got Time-Lost on my DK as well, but that was a story of pure luck. Honestly, right place, right time, that's all it was.

    Another easy-ish to obtain might be the Violet Proto-Drake, as it requires only the event achievements which are all (Pretty much.) easy to get on a level 80 character. However it does take a whole year of achievement grinding, and making sure you get each and every one required for the title/main achievement, though it does reward you with a very... Pink Proto-Drake with a very nice flight speed as well.

    I would have to say that all the other Proto-Drakes would be harder to get, with Time-Lost also under this category unless you're a very patient person who likes the almost sickening yellow-green colour of the drake. Don't get me wrong, I might not like the colour of that drake, but somehow he's still such a beauty and such a wonderful mount to own.

    And all this chatter is coming from a big Proto-Drake fan. Hope it helps.

    Last edited by mmocc5c312fa0d; 2010-09-24 at 08:35 PM.

  • #11

    Saverem is offline

    Over 9000! Saverem's Avatar

    Easiest in terms of skills: Oracles, UP, or Time-Lost. All 3 of those don't require any skill to get, but all 3 require extremely good luck. I'd say if you have the time to invest, then easiest will probably be Time-Lost, if not then just go Oracles, all you have to do is buy an egg every week and pray.

    Easiest in terms of time I'd say the 10m Uld achievement one. You can pretty much get it in 3 or so raids if your raid doesn't suck.

    Purple is easy too but it takes a year at the least to get. It's basically the only 310% speed mount in the game that doesn't require a raid to get.

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  • #12

    lol green proto is easy, i have the repution on 6 different toons, and no one got it for the moment.

  • #13

    muto is offline

    Titan muto's Avatar

    I got my rusted one before my red one (still need 2 achievements for my red one). I got my rusted one in like July of 2009.

    I would actually say the red one is harder to get then the rusted because too many retards don't know how to interrupt on less rabi.

    Last edited by muto; 2010-09-24 at 10:19 PM.

  • #14

    Gurra is offline

    Blademaster Gurra's Avatar

    Ulduar Glory 10m by far... 2-3 hrs for a 310% mount

  • #15

    Quote Originally Posted by Gurra View Post

    Ulduar Glory 10m by far... 2-3 hrs for a 310% mount

    That's only if your group doesn't fail at Firefighter and One-Light..... (hint: most do)

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  • #16

    Gungtah is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by Negridoom

    No. After the Cataclysm there will be an expansion for the zerg, and then an expansion for the protoss.

  • #17

    Reyzzz is offline

    The Lightbringer Reyzzz's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Zergej View Post

    Buying ulduar10 drake is probably the easiest way

    Too bad people on my realm start to flame if I ask about it in trade.

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  • #18

    Greyarea is offline


    I got my rusted well before I got my hero's one (mainly cos im slack with heroics) also from memory the rusted and violet are the only 310 speed protos also, i think there is one more but I cannot put my finger on which one.

    If your in any half decent guild that does 10 man ICC, you will be able to steam roll Uld 10 for the drakes in well under 4 hours, maybe a bit longer if you have never done the hard modes before. Most of the time the hardmodes are activated by mistake due to teh brute DPS you apply.

    If your just after a 310 go for the frost wyrms, they look cool but you can also make use of the loot that drops and not just shard the 219/226/232 stuff from uld.

    Side note: if your guild is good at clearing uld you could sell the mounts for 10-25k per and the frostwyrms for over 40k easily. Just something to consider.

  • #19

    There all a pretty big pain in the ass to get, so far I've got the Glory of the hero reward. Red, Iron bound and ruster require annoying acheivments, yellow requires you to piss your life away camping unless you get lucky, green and blue just have stupid drop rates. If you can find a decent group the rusted would probably be easiest, that or Glory of the Hero.

  • #20

    CarnatiaSpiritfield is offline

    The Patient CarnatiaSpiritfield's Avatar

    I have the blue one, red one, violet one and rusted one.

    I thought the Violet and Red ones were the easiest to get... The blue one is pure luck, I actually got mine one day, and then the next day it dropped again. Good times. But yeah.

    Violet and Red IMO.



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