Explode the Code for Learning to Read

Spelling Lessons with Explode the Lawmaking

DSC01684A couple of people have been asking on the boards, as I was at this time last year, how to transition from phonics to spelling.
The assumption out in that location in didactics-state seems to exist that phonics is baby stuff and spelling is how big kids learn.  Possibly they're thinking of BOB Books and their ilk.  Since our disappointing experience with Spelling Workout earlier this year, and our return to Explode the Code, I have realize that this pop perception is not necessarily the case.  Why would they make Explode the Lawmaking books all the way up to level eight and across – at to the lowest degree to a Form Four level – if phonics becomes irrelevant (or less of import) the minute a kid is reading somewhat successfully?
In fact, information technology's only at present that Naomi's reading fairly well that the phonics rules are starting to make sense, and Explode the Code guides her gently through understanding and navigating the maze that is spelling in English.
The only matter I really liked near Spelling Conditioning was the idea of a spelling LIST, and spelling TESTS that would bank check to make certain that she was absorbing the textile.  And and then I realized, a couple of months ago, that there'southward no reason I can't use Explode the Code lesson words as a spelling list in just the same fashion.   And so I've developed a technique that works extremely well for us, offer (kinda) rigourous spelling review forth with a thorough, rules-based phonics curriculum.
Here'south what I do:

  • Earlier nosotros starting time phonics, I give her a canvas of paper to number 1-6 in the margin.  NOTE: I but do this if her current work is a continuation of a previous mean solar day's activity.  I would never "cold-test" a child with words she hadn't worked with before!!!
  • I remind her of the "lesson rule."  Today'southward rule was that the "oh" sound is more often seen as "oa" INSIDE a word and "ow" at the END of a word.
  • Then, I agree the phonics lesson pages and choose half dozen words from the current lesson to dictate.  I number them so I don't forget which words I picked.  Today, she asked me to quiz her on "February" likewise, because we did this in First Language Lessons last time, then I added it in equally #2.  Why 6 words?  I felt like 8 was besides many; 6 gives me some idea of whether she's mastered the current dominion and the "lesson words."
  • Then, I mark her spelling exam.  She loves seeing her mark, no matter what information technology is!  Today, she drew in the fraction, leaving the numerator blank and then I could fill in her mark out of 7 (which was vii).
  • If she's gotten a word incorrect (100% is rare, because her spelling is still kind of random!), I give her the phonics pages and take her correct it right abroad based on the correct spelling.
  • And then, if the electric current lesson doesn't contain a "test" – the wrap-upward page at the cease of a lesson – I do some other exam at the end of our phonics time.  She usually manages to get 100% the second time around.  Today, I didn't make her practice it a 2d time because she got 100% the beginning time.  I don't see any point, never have, in testing kids on words they know well already.

(In today's lesson, she decided the "toad" looked too much similar a frog – so she's written in her own pick at the top of the page, and so circled it and written it neatly on the line below.  Hurrah for contained thinkers!)
As with everything else, this is what works for usa… I'd love to hear what you're doing to suit the programs you dearest as your kids get older and more capable!

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Source: http://www.mamaland.org/2011/11/spelling-lessons-with-explode-code.html

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